Critical Dates
Autism Spectrum Disorder Certificate

Fall 2024

Date Event
August 21 Regular Registration ($100 late fee after 11:59 pm deadline)
August 22 Classes Begin
August 22 -23, 26 -28 Drop/Add (at or after assigned start time)
August 22 -23, 26 -28 Late Registration
August 26 – 28 Non-Degree Registration (at or after assigned start time)
August 28 Withdrawal from All Fall Courses with No Fee Liability
September 13 Withdrawal with 25% Refund (W assigned to all Fall courses.)
November 22 Drop Deadline (W assigned to individual course(s). Drops of individual courses must be approved by the student’s college.)
November 22 Withdrawal Deadline (W assigned to all Fall courses.)
November 23 – December 4 Drop or Add a Course after the Drop Deadline (Students must petition their college with appropriate documentation for approval to drop or add.)
November 23 – December 4 Withdraw from All Fall Courses after the Withdrawal Deadline (Students must petition their college with appropriate documentation for approval to withdraw from all courses.)
December 4 Classes End
December 13 – 14 Commencement
December 18 Final Grades Available
September 2: Labor Day Holidays (no classes)
October 18 – 19: Homecoming ––
November 11: Veterans Day ––
November 25 – 30: Thanksgiving Break ––

Summer 2023

Date Event
6-Feb-23 Certificate application early deadline.
27-Mar-23 Registration opens
10-Apr-23 Certificate application deadline (All materials (transcripts/test scores/etc) must be RECEIVED by this date)
1-May-23 Non-degree application deadline
15-May-23 Classes begin
16-May-23 Cancel class with full refund deadline
26-May-23 Fee payment deadline @ 3:30pm
6-July-23 Deadline to apply to graduate (if in final semester of Graduate certificate)
4-Aug-23 Withdrawal without failing grade
11-Aug-23 Classes end
16-Aug-23 Degrees available in ONE.UF (evening)
16-Aug-23 Degrees available in One.UF 

Fall 2023

Date Event
5-Jun-23 Certificate application early deadline.
19-Jun-23 Registration opens
24-Jun-23 Certificate application deadline (All materials (transcripts/test scores/etc) must be RECEIVED by this date)
31-Jun-23 Non-degree application deadline
23-Aug-23 Classes begin
29-Aug-23 Cancel class with full refund deadline
1-Sep-23 Fee payment deadline @ 3:30pm
15-Sep-23 Deadline to apply to graduate (if in final semester of Graduate certificate)
20-Nov-23 Withdrawal without failing grade
6-Dec-23 Classes end
20-Dec-23 Degrees available in ONE.UF (evening)
20-Dec-23 Degrees available in One.UF